Americký NIST vydal 3 dokumenty (Special Publications)
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SP 800-121, Guide to Bluetooth Security - describes the security capabilities of Bluetooth technologies and gives recommendations to organizations employing Bluetooth technologies on securing them effectively. Much of SP 800-121 was originally included in draft NIST SP 800-48 Revision 1, Wireless Network Security for IEEE 802.11a/b/g and Bluetooth, but based on public comments, the Bluetooth material has been removed from SP 800-48 and placed in its own publication.
SP 800-107, Recommendation for Applications Using Approved Hash
Algorithms This document provides security guidelines for achieving the required or desired security strengths when using cryptographic applications that employ the approved cryptographic hash functions specified in Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 180-3, such as digital signature applications, Keyed-hash Message Authentication Codes (HMACs) and Hash-based Key Derivation Functions (HKDFs).
SP 800-41 Revision 1, Guidelines on Firewalls and Firewall Policy This document provides security guidelines for achieving the required or desired security strengths when using cryptographic applications that employ the approved cryptographic hash functions specified in Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 180-3, such as digital signature applications, Keyed-hash Message Authentication Codes (HMACs) and Hash-based Key Derivation Functions (HKDFs).