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Security - News


Crypto - News | Security - News

12 / 2012
Vybrali pro vás: TR - Tomáš Rosa, JP - Jaroslav Pinkava, PV - Pavel Vondruška, VK - Vlastimil Klíma

Šest hrozeb, na které je t?eba dávat pozor v roce 2013

FortiGuard Labs:
  • APTs Target Individuals through mobile platforms
  • Two factor authentication replaces single password sign on security model
  • Exploits to target Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications
  • Exploits circumvent the sandbox
  • Cross platform botnets
  • Mobile malware growth closes in on laptop and desktop PCs
Zdroj: http://www.net-security.org/secworld.php?id=14103
Autor: JP

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