Má 19 stran a jeho obsahem je definování a zd?vodn?ní p?ti strategických inciativ:
- Treat cyberspace as an operational domain to
organize, train, and equip so that DoD can take full advantage of cyberspace’s
- Employ new defense operating concepts to protect DoD
networks and systems
- Partner with other U.S. government departments and
agencies and the private sector to enable a whole-of-government cybersecurity
- Build robust relationships with U.S. allies
and international partners to strengthen collective cybersecurity
- Leverage the nation’s ingenuity through
an exceptional cyber workforce and rapid technological innovation
Komentá? k této strategii si lze p?e?íst v ?láncích
U.S. DoD Releases Cyber Security Strategy a
Pentagon declares the Internet a war domain.
Viz také komentá?, který zmi?uje kritická vyjád?ení k této strategii -
Critics: U.S. cybersecurity plan has holes, few new items.
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US military learning cybersecurity lessons from businesses a
Pentagon unveils five steps for better cybersecurity.