Nová kniha o penetra?ním testování, skenování, IT auditu
03.11.2004Anton Chuvakin writes: I have read some pretty bad books on penetration testing; till now, nobody seemed to get this fun subject right! Good news - this time somebody did. Assessing Network Security comes to us direct from the bunkers of Redmond. Written by three Microsoft security researchers, the book provides a great overview as well as an in-depth coverage of assessing security via penetration testing, scanning, IT audit and other means.
Assessing Network Security
As mentioned by Michael Howard:
Kevin Lam, David LeBlanc, & Ben Smith have released a new book, Assessing Network Security from MSPress. To quote Ben in an email he sent, The book is primarily aimed at security professionals new to penetration testing and IT professionals and IT managers new to security, although all security professionals will likely benefit from the book.
Zdroj: VK
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