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Security - News


Crypto - News | Security - News

10 / 2004
Vybrali pro vás: TR - Tomáš Rosa, JP - Jaroslav Pinkava, PV - Pavel Vondruška, VK - Vlastimil Klíma

Snaha vysv?tlit ?ínský útok na MD5 & spol.

Rozsáhlý, 76 stránkový, ?lánek na eprintu IACR uvažující o tom, jak ?í?ani asi konstruovali nebo nekonstruovali sv?j útok:
Musings on the Wang et al. MD5 Collision
Philip Hawkes , Michael Paddon , and Gregory G. Rose

Abstract. Wang et al [12] caused great excitement at CRYPTO2004 when they announced a collision for MD5 [11]. This paper examines the internal differences and conditions required for the attack to be suc-cessful. There are a large number of conditions that must be satisfied, thus indicating Wang at al. have found a clever way to generate message pairs for which the conditions are satisfied. The large number of conditions suggests that an attacker cannot use these differentials to cause sec-ond pre-image attacks with complexity less than generic attacks. Initial examination also suggests that an attacker cannot cause such collisions for HMAC-MD5 [9] with complexity less than generic attacks.

Disclaimer: This document notes some observations of the authors regarding the collisions generated by Wang et al.. We do not claim to have any new discoveries in this paper. However, we hope that this paper provides a useful explanation until the time when Wang et al. publish a detailed analysis of their discoveries. This is a very rough description and is not intended as a publication. There has been a focus more on content than presentation.

S trochou humoru by p?ísp?vek šel zhodnotit asi takhle:
Zkrátka, nep?išli na to, jak na to dr.Wangová a kol. p?išli. Ale p?išli na to, že tak, jak na to šli oni, tak na to ?í?ani jít nemohli, protože tudy cesta nevede. Nicmén? p?edveli diferenciální maratón na 76 stranách. Škoda. Jen nás víc napnuli, kde je ten pes zakopanej.
Zdroj: http://eprint.iacr.org/2004/264/
Autor: VK

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