Analýza bezpe?nosti internetu - Symantec
21.09.2004Po p?ihlášení a zadání n?kolika údaj? získáte podrobnou 60ti stránkovou zprávu:
The Symantec Internet Security Threat Report is an analysis and discussion of Internet security activity over the past six months. It covers Internet attacks, vulnerabilities, malicious code, and future trends. Over the first six months of 2004, Slammer and Gaobot were the most common attacks. E-commerce was the most highly targeted industry. The average time between the public disclosure of a vulnerability and the release of an associated exploit was 5.8 days. The number of distinct variants of bots rose by 600%. The first malicious code for mobile applications, named Cabir, was developed. In the near future, Symantec expects phishing attacks to become a serious security concern.
Zdroj: JP
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