Autor (Robert L. Scheier) komentuje záv?ry celé ?ady p?ehled? z poslední doby (nap?.
The Privacy Rights Clearing House, chronologický p?ehled datových pr?nik?). V záv?ru ?lánku najdete doporu?ení, která by m?la napomoci zabránit krádežím ID, a to doporu?ení jak pro spole?nosti, tak pro uživatele:
For companies:
- Just as you did for Sarbanes-Oxley, identify and secure the applications and devices most vulnerable to attack.
- Track access rights (and access activity) for contractors as tightly as you do for employees.
- Don't store data if you don't need to; encrypt it if you must store it.
- Educate and remind all your employees about the need for data security.
Tips for consumers:
- Monitor bank statements, credit card bills and credit reports for signs of ID fraud.
- Use up-to-date firewalls and antivirus/antispyware software on all computers.
- Be wary of performing transactions or spending time on unknown Web sites.
- Be alert for changes in the look or wording of emails from banks or other institutions, which might signal a phishing attack.