4.ro?ník konference Software Quality Assurance Management conference 2006 (SQAM) se bude letos konat v Praze a to od 6. do 8.zá?í. Mezi ú?astníky se budete moci setkat s takovými odborníky jako nap?. Rex Black nebo John Watkins.
Ú?astníci konference mohou získat certifikát "ISTQB Certified".
Více informací lze získat na stránce konference http://www.sqam.org.
The 2006 Software Quality Assurance Management conference. This years - fourth SQAM edition - will be held in Prague, Czech Republic on September 6-8, where specialists like Rex Black and John Watkins are going to share their knowledge with an audience of 300.
The participants will expand their knowledge considering software quality during various workshops and 20 lectures with a possibility of passing the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level exam. SQAM 2006 will be the place for ISTQB meeting and testing boards presidents will actively participate in the conference giving lectures on various subjects.
The conference is originally designed for quality engineers, tests managers, projects managers, software developers and testers from all over the World.