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Security - News


Crypto - News | Security - News

04 / 2006
Vybrali pro vás: TR - Tomáš Rosa, JP - Jaroslav Pinkava, PV - Pavel Vondruška, VK - Vlastimil Klíma

Obnova dat na magnetických médiích - možnosti úto?ník?

Z abstraktu:

Physical attacks on storage hardware are common and may be the most likely and dangerous type of attack. Although using this new, digital alternative to paper may seem to be easier and faster, inside these seemingly harmless computers lie devices which are recording and generating audit trails of all data ever accessed on them, potentially acting as an informant to whoever possesses the devices. In fact, overlooking these devices may give an attacker a chance to steal sensitive data. Also, this could be carried out by any personnel with physical access to the machines.

Viz také komentá? na IT Observer - Magnetic Data Recovery – The Hidden Threat.
Zdroj: http://www.infosecwriters.com/text_resources/pdf/Magnetic_Data_Recovery_JSawyer.pdf
Autor: JP

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