Kniha - CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, Third Edition
29.11.2005Book Description
The third edition of this proven All-in-One exam guide is essentially two books in one, providing total coverage of the CISSP and the ISSEP credential. Learn security operations in the areas of telecommunications, cryptography, management practices, and more. Plan for continuity and disaster recovery. Update your knowledge of laws, investigations, and ethics. Plus, run the CD-ROM and practice more than 500 simulated exam questions. Let security consultant and author Shon Harris lead you to successful completion of the CISSP.
10 subject areas covered on the exam:
Access control systems and methodology
Applications and systems development security
Business continuity planning and disaster recovery planning
Law, investigation, and ethics
Operations security
Physical security
Security models and architecture
Security management practices
Telecommunications and network security
Included on the CD-ROM
Simulated exam with practice questions and answers
Complete electronic book
Cryptography CBT demo
Zdroj: JP
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