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Security - News


Crypto - News | Security - News

11 / 2005
Vybrali pro vás: TR - Tomáš Rosa, JP - Jaroslav Pinkava, PV - Pavel Vondruška, VK - Vlastimil Klíma

NIST - SP 800-83 - Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling

SP 800-83 provides recommendations for improving an organization's malware incident prevention measures through several layers of controls. It also gives extensive recommendations for enhancing an organization's existing incident response capability so that it is better prepared to handle malware incidents, particularly widespread ones. The guide focuses on providing practical strategies for detection, containment, eradication, and recovery from malware incidents in managed and non-managed environments. The recommendations in the publication address several forms of malware, as well as various malware transmission mechanisms, including removable media and network services such as e-mail and Web browsing.
Zdroj: http://csrc.ncsl.nist.gov/weekly_news.html#sp800-83
Autor: JP

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