NIST vydal: Special Publication 800-82, Guide to Industrial Control System (ICS) Security
10.06.2011Special Publication 800-82 provides guidance on how to secure Industrial Control Systems (ICS), including Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, Distributed Control Systems (DCS), and other control system configurations such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), while addressing their unique performance, reliability, and safety requirements. Special Publication 800-82 provides an overview of ICS and typical system topologies, identifies typical threats and vulnerabilities to these systems, and provides recommended security countermeasures to mitigate the associated risks. This publication is the finalization of the final public draft, and includes updates with respect to the Risk Management Framework and current activities. To address the quickly changing industrial control system security landscape, NIST is targeting to revise Special Publication 800-82 in 2012.
Zdroj: JP
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