SpywareNo - pozor - op?t jeden pokus maskovat spyware jako nástroj proti spyware (antispyware)
01.06.2005Surreptitiously downloaded when users visit certain porn or pirate Web sites, SpywareNo exploits vulnerabilities in Microsoft's Internet Explorer to get onto a PC. Once it installs itself, it creates an icon on the desktop and displays a bogus warning that the system's infected with spyware.
This commercial software will 'detect' threats that don't actually exist on the computer, and which will 'disappear' as soon as users pay for the product,"
Zdroj: http://www.crn.com/sections/security/security.jhtml;jsessionid=2XDSGNELFJM0WQSNDBCSKH0CJUMEKJVN?articleId=163702367Autor: JP