O bezkolizní kompresní funkci
26.05.2005V teoretickém p?ísp?vku On High-Rate Cryptographic Compression Functions studují slovenští kolegové Richard Ostertag a Martin Stanek problém (rychlé) bezkolizní kompresní funkce. Tento výzkum je velmi pot?ebný, nebo? jsme v období, kdy hledáme bezpe?né hašovací funkce poté, co byly odhaleny jejich teoretické (Joux, Kelsey-Schneier) i praktické (MD4, MD5, SHA-0, RIPEMD) slabiny.
Abstract. The security of iterated hash functions relies on the properties of underlying compression functions. We study highly efficient compression functions based on block ciphers. We propose a model for high-rate compression functions, and give an upper bound for the rate of any collision resistant compression function in our model. In addition, we show that natural generalizations of constructions by Preneel, Govaerts, and Vandewalle to the case of rate-2 compression functions are not collision resistant.
Podobný problém studuje i Shoichi Hirose v p?ísp?vku Provably secure double-block-length hash functions in a black-box model. To appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ICISC 2004)
John Black and Martin Cochran and Thomas Shrimpton: On the Impossibility of Highly Efficient Blockcipher-Based Hash Functions, Eurocrypt 2005
Zdroj: http://eprint.iacr.org/2005/152.pdfAutor: VK
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