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Crypto - News


Crypto - News | Security - News

02 / 2011
Vybrali pro vás: TR - Tomáš Rosa, JP - Jaroslav Pinkava, PV - Pavel Vondruška, VK - Vlastimil Klíma

NIST publikoval dlouho o?ekávanou zprávu o výb?ru finalist? SHA-3

Zpráva byla publikována dnes ráno v poštovní konferenci (v?era o p?lnoci st?edoamerického ?asu) a bude k dispozici až se Ameri?ané vzbudí, dojdou do práce a b?hem dne jí umístí na uvedeném linku

Ke zpráv? NISTu jsem do poštovní konference hash-forum napsal toto své stanovistko:

(1) If you're not ready to accept new technology, you had to choose Skein.
(2) I really like Skein, due to its conservative design. I (as a member of BMW team) proposed another strategy, but it was not accepted. Nothing happened. I do not want to change the NIST decission. I want to have fast and secure hash standard.
(3) The things are clear. Congratulations to Skein team, the winner of SHA-3.
(4) SHA-3 is dead king. It will offer sometimes lower and sometimes a bit greater performance than SHA-2. SHA-3 will have no significant improvement of efficiency over SHA-2. So the industry will not accept it due to the performance. If you will force the industry to use it, it will be contraproductive. NIST would become "technology retainer".
(5) It is the time to think of closing SHA-3 competition due to that reason. You also understood it well, as you wrote it in the Report on page 5: "... However, during the analysis of the second round candidates, it became apparent that significant improvement in efficiency while fulfilling the security requirements was not easily attainable."
(6) You can announce new competition SHA-5, what can bring the new rechnology. I believe it strongly. In the meantime SHA-4 can be used.
(7) I hope the finalist's teams will understand it. It is better to be really king that the dead king. It would be better for the algorithm (and its team) to be really used in the world than to be pushing there by NIST.

Vlastimil Klima
Zdroj: http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/hash/sha-3/Round3/index.html
Autor: VK

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